Hearts of palm mousse

Looking for a hearts of palm taste?
Learn more about what hearts of palm are and where they come from in our blog.
Here's a unique recipe for hearts of palm mousse. Enjoy!
– 1 teaspoon olive oil
– 1 grated onion
– 2 medium tomatoes, peeled, seeded and chopped
– 400 g of hearts of palm chopped
– 200 g ricotta cheese
– 1 cup heavy cream
– Salt
– 1 envelope unflavored gelatin
First brown the onions next to the tomatoes in a pan with oil over medium heat for a few minutes.
Then add the cheese, hearts of palm, heavy cream and salt. Next, mix well and cook for 3 minutes. During this time stir constantly.
On the other hand, make the gelatin and then mixed it with the prepared hearts of palm until you get a homogeneous mix.
After achieving this mixture, place the mixture into a rectangular container and keep it for 3 hours in the refrigerator.
When it´s rather firm, remove it from the container and enjoy.